122 Calon Peserta PPRA Tahun Ajaran 2018 Ikuti TPA / 122 prospective participants of PPRA LVIII undertake Academic Potential Test
122 Calon Peserta PPRA
Tahun Ajaran 2018 Ikuti TPA /
122 prospective participants
of PPRA LVIII undertake
Academic Potential Test
Informasi indonesia:
Menjelang tahun ajaran baru 2018, Lemhannas RI kembali mengadakan Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA) dan Tes Psikologi bagi para calon peserta Program Pendidikan Reguler Angkatan atau yang lebih dikenal dengan PPRA ke LVIII, di Ruang NKRI dan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, pada Senin (11/12) pagi.
TPA ini diikuti oleh 122 orang peserta yang berasal dari TNI, Polri, Aparatur Sipil Negara, Tokoh Masyarakat, Perwakilan Organisasi Massa, serta peserta mancanegara. Kegiatan tes dilaksanakan selama dua hari, hingga tanggal 12 Desember 2017.
Tes Potensi Akademik dan Tes Psikologi ini sebelumnya juga telah diikuti oleh calon peserta PPRA LVII pada November 2017 lalu.
TPA diselenggarakan oleh Tim Koperasi Bappenas, sedangkan Tes Psikologi diselenggarakan oleh PT. Ara Indonesia. Seperti pada PPRA tahun ajaran sebelumnya, program pendidikan ini bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan kaderkader pimpinan tingkat nasional dengan memberikan kesempatan bagi para pejabat di lingkungan Lembaga Pemerintah dan Lembaga Non-Pemerintah Republik Indonesia.
Salah satu syarat penting agar dapat mengikuti seleksi peserta PPRA yakni harus diusulkan oleh pimpinan kementerian/lembaga/ instansi asal para peserta.
Salah satu syarat penting agar dapat mengikuti seleksi peserta PPRA yakni harus diusulkan oleh pimpinan kementerian/lembaga/ instansi asal para peserta.
Program Pendidikan yang nantinya akan berjalan selama tujuh bulan ini rencananya dimulai pada 20 April 2018, dan ditutup pada 23
November 2018.
November 2018.
In English :
Welcoming the new acedemic year of 2018, Lemhannas RI held Academic Potential
and Psychological Test for prospective participants of PPRA (Regular Education Program) Batch LVIII in NKRI and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Room on Monday (11/12).
The tests were followed by 122 participants from Military, National Police, State Civil Apparatus, public figure, mass organization representatives, also several representatives from other countries. The tests were held for two days until December 12, 2017. These tests were also undertaken by prospective participants of PPRA LVII in November 2017.
In doing The Academic Potential Test, Lemhannas RI was supported by Cooperation Team of Bappenas (The National Development Agency).
and Psychological Test for prospective participants of PPRA (Regular Education Program) Batch LVIII in NKRI and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika Room on Monday (11/12).
The tests were followed by 122 participants from Military, National Police, State Civil Apparatus, public figure, mass organization representatives, also several representatives from other countries. The tests were held for two days until December 12, 2017. These tests were also undertaken by prospective participants of PPRA LVII in November 2017.
In doing The Academic Potential Test, Lemhannas RI was supported by Cooperation Team of Bappenas (The National Development Agency).
Meanwhile the Psychological Test was supported by PT. Ara Indonesia. The result of the test will be announced in the end of March 2018.
PPRA aims to prepare the national-level leader cadres for senior officials in Goverment and Non-Government Agency.
To follow the tests, prospective participants of PPRA LVIII must be appointed by their institutions. The education program itself will run for seven months start from April 17, 2018 until November 15, 2018.
To follow the tests, prospective participants of PPRA LVIII must be appointed by their institutions. The education program itself will run for seven months start from April 17, 2018 until November 15, 2018.