Several Lecturers from Education and Training Agency of East Java Province learn about E-Learning system in Lemhannas RI
Several Lecturers from Education and
Training Agency of East Java Province learn
about E-Learning system in Lemhannas RI/
Widyaiswara Badiklat Jatim Belajar Sistem
E-Learning di Lemhannas RI
informasi Indonesia: Deputi Pendidikan Pimpinan Tingkat Nasional Lemhannas RI, Mayjen TNI Karsiyanto, S.E, menerima kunjungan dari rombongan Widyaiswara Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan provinsi Jawa Timur, Jumat (15/12) Pagi, di Ruang TOC Gedung Astagatra Lemhannas RI.
Lawatannya kali ini ke Lemhannas RI bertujuan untuk mengetahui lebih jauh tentang inovasi teknologi pembelajaran yang digunakan di Lemhannas dan diterapkan kepada peserta pendidikan seperti PPRA dan PPSA.
Pemaparan terkait inovasi teknologi pembelajaran di Lemhannas dijelaskan oleh Kepala Biro Telematika, Marsma TNI Indrianto Wibowo Leksono yang diawali dengan penjabaran
terkait tugas pokok dan fungsi Biro Telematika sebagai pendukung dari ketiga kedeputian yang ada di Lemhannas, yakni Deputi Pendidikan, Deputi Pengkajian dan Deputi Taplai. Menurut Indrianto, Lemhannas sendiri saat ini memiliki sekitar 30 aplikasi yang digunakan untuk membantu kelancaran pelaksanaan misi lembaga sehingga visi Lemhannas dapat dicapai. “Aplikasi yang ada di Lemhannas saat ini mencapai 30 aplikasi, termasuk aplikasi yang mendukung operasional fungsi kesestamaan seperti e-office ,” ujar Indrianto.
Pemaparan terkait inovasi teknologi pembelajaran di Lemhannas dijelaskan oleh Kepala Biro Telematika, Marsma TNI Indrianto Wibowo Leksono yang diawali dengan penjabaran
terkait tugas pokok dan fungsi Biro Telematika sebagai pendukung dari ketiga kedeputian yang ada di Lemhannas, yakni Deputi Pendidikan, Deputi Pengkajian dan Deputi Taplai. Menurut Indrianto, Lemhannas sendiri saat ini memiliki sekitar 30 aplikasi yang digunakan untuk membantu kelancaran pelaksanaan misi lembaga sehingga visi Lemhannas dapat dicapai. “Aplikasi yang ada di Lemhannas saat ini mencapai 30 aplikasi, termasuk aplikasi yang mendukung operasional fungsi kesestamaan seperti e-office ,” ujar Indrianto.
Berbicara mengenai teknologi yang mendukung kegiatan belajar mengajar bagi peserta didik Lemhannas, menurut Indrianto, peserta dibantu dengan menggunakan aplikasi e-learning.
E-learning di sini bertujuan untuk membantu peserta agar lebih efisien dan efektif dalam memanfaatkan waktunya, mengingat para peserta pendidikan merupakan para pejabat stratejik dari berbagai institusi Pemerintah maupun Non-Pemerintah. Sistem e-learning memudahkan proses belajar mengajar sehingga dapat diakses di mana pun dan kapan pun. Selain itu, peserta pendidikan juga dapat mengunduh modul yang telah diunggah di website Lemhannas agar peserta dapat mempelajarinya sebelum tatap muka dengan pengajar di kelas.
“Fungsi lain dari e-learning adalah peserta bisa mendapat semua modul, bahan ajar yang dibutuhkan. Sebelum pengajar memberikan materi di kelas, materi terlebih dahulu di-upload
ke sistem. Jadi sebelum mendapat ceramah, peserta sudah memegang materi yang harus dipelajari terlebih dahulu,” ujar Indrianto. Di samping itu Lemhannas menerapkan Long Distance Learning atau belajar jarak jauh melalui aplikasi chatting dan video conference.
ke sistem. Jadi sebelum mendapat ceramah, peserta sudah memegang materi yang harus dipelajari terlebih dahulu,” ujar Indrianto. Di samping itu Lemhannas menerapkan Long Distance Learning atau belajar jarak jauh melalui aplikasi chatting dan video conference.
In English:
Deputy of National-Level Leader Education of Lemhannas RI Maj. Gen. Karsiyanto, S.E. welcomed lecturers from Education and Training Agency of East Java Province on Friday (15/12) in TOC Room, Astagatra Building, Lemhannas RI. This visit aimed to find out more about news technology innovation used in Lemhannas RI in its education programs such as PPRA (Regular Education program) and PPSA (Short Education Program).
The Chief of Telematics Bureau Air Commander Indrianto Wibowo Leksono talked about the main duty and function of Telematics Bureau which is as a supporting unit of three Deputy Offices in Lemhannas RI. According to Indrianto, currently, Lemhannas RI has 30 applications to support Lemhannas’ vision and reach its mission. “We (Lemhannas) have around 30 applications to support Lemhannas’ Secretariat operational function such as e-office,” said Indrianto.
Indrianto then further explained that the education participants will be helped using e-learning application. E-learning application aims to help the participants to be more efficient and effective in managing their time due to their positions as highranked officials from Government and Non-government Officials.
E-learning system will make learning and teaching process run smoothly due to its accessibility. “The other benefit from e-learning is the participants can download the material needed which is already uploaded before the class starts. so, they can read and learn about it first,” said Indrianto. Lemhannas RI also implements long distance learning which applied in off campus session. It was done through two mediums which are chat and video conference (V-con).
The Chief of Telematics Bureau Air Commander Indrianto Wibowo Leksono talked about the main duty and function of Telematics Bureau which is as a supporting unit of three Deputy Offices in Lemhannas RI. According to Indrianto, currently, Lemhannas RI has 30 applications to support Lemhannas’ vision and reach its mission. “We (Lemhannas) have around 30 applications to support Lemhannas’ Secretariat operational function such as e-office,” said Indrianto.
Indrianto then further explained that the education participants will be helped using e-learning application. E-learning application aims to help the participants to be more efficient and effective in managing their time due to their positions as highranked officials from Government and Non-government Officials.
E-learning system will make learning and teaching process run smoothly due to its accessibility. “The other benefit from e-learning is the participants can download the material needed which is already uploaded before the class starts. so, they can read and learn about it first,” said Indrianto. Lemhannas RI also implements long distance learning which applied in off campus session. It was done through two mediums which are chat and video conference (V-con).